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AI Programming Bootcamp with Python

Course Description

“Intensive AI Programming Bootcamp with Python" is a comprehensive course designed for
students eager to delve into the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The course is
structured to ensure a gradual and comprehensive understanding of each topic. It begins with
Python basics, progressively moving towards more complex concepts and applications in AI.
Practical exercises and projects are integral to the curriculum, providing real-world experience in AI

This class is offered in conjunction with Ohlone for Kids and Teens and registration will take place through their portal.

What you will learn

Intermediate-level Python Programming | Numpy | matplotlib | Pandas | Vector visualization | System of linear equations | Linear transformation and matrices | Matrix Multiplication | Limits of functions | Linear Algebra in Neural Networks | Gradient Descent | Backpropagation | Integrals | Derivatives | Implicit differentiation | Chain rule application | Training neural networks | Pytorch


This boot camp-style class is designed for students in grades 8-12 with beginner to intermediate level computer skills. Students must be familiar with the fundamentals of Python programming

Cost: $1300 (tuition) + $600 (materials)
Where: Ohlone College, 43600 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539
Dates: July 8-11, 15-18 8:30am-3:45pm

What to bring to class

Students are required to bring their own Mac (Mac OS 11+) or Windows-based PC (Windows 10+)
with at least 4GB RAM. We will provide students with access to cloud-based GPU hours or in classroom GPU servers for developing practical exercises and projects.




8 Sessions

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