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Intro to Python Programming (Beginners)

Course Description

In this introductory course, you’ll learn and practice key computer science concepts by building
programs of varying complexity. You’ll learn Python, a powerful, easy-to-learn, and widely used
programming language, and you’ll explore fundamental computer science concepts by coding real world programs. In our previous classes, students have developed search engines, YouTube video
downloader, and Python-based arcade games.

This class is offered in conjunction with Ohlone for Kids and Teens and registration will take place through their portal.

What you will learn

Introduction to Programming | Installing Python | Python IDEs | Python Basics | Variables | Statements and Expressions | Creating and using Python strings | Control Statements | if-then-else logic | Loops | Built-in Python functions | Python methods | Python packages | Code reuse | Classes and Objects | Working with files


This is an introductory-level class. No prior programming experience is required. We will start with
the fundamentals and progressively introduce more complex topics.

Cost: $400 (tuition) + $100 (materials)
Where: Ohlone College, 43600 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539
Dates: June 24-27 12:30pm-3:45pm

What to bring to class

Students are required to bring their own Mac (Mac OS 11+) or Windows-based PC (Windows 10+)
with at least 4GB RAM.




4 Sessions

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