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Python For Data Science

Course Description

This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of programming in Python with a focus on applications in data science. Students will learn the basics of Python syntax, data types, and control structures, progressing to more advanced topics like data manipulation, analysis, and visualization. The curriculum is designed to be engaging and interactive, encouraging students to work on real-world datasets and projects. This course is an excellent opportunity for students to delve into the world of data science and gain valuable skills that are highly relevant in today's technology-driven world.

This class is offered in conjunction with Ohlone for Kids and Teens and registration will take place through their portal.

What you will learn

NumPy | Pandas | Matplotlib | Python scripting | Built-in Python functions | Python methods | Python packages | SQL Basics | SQL Joins | SQL Aggregations | SQL Subqueries and Temporary Tables | SQL Data Cleaning | Python package management | Iterators | Python exception handling | Python best practices | Python data structures | Docstrings | Anaconda | Variable scope | List comprehension | Python syntax | User input handling | Basics of Shell | Basics of Git


This boot camp-style class is designed for students in grades 7-11 with beginner to intermediate level computer skills. Students must be familiar with the fundamentals of Python programming

Cost: $1000 (Tuition) + $200 (Materials)
Where: Ohlone College, 43600 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539
Dates: June 10-13, 17-20 8:30am-3:45pm

What to bring to class

Students are required to bring their own Mac (Mac OS 11+) or Windows-based PC (Windows 10+)
with at least 4GB RAM.




8 Sessions

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